I do believe something very magical can happen when you read a good book.
J.K. Rowling
The Washington County School System is committed to an instructional program that provides an appropriate and comprehensive education for each student in grades Pre-K - 12. This commitment calls for providing quality media programs which are evidenced through cooperatively planned, related to instruction, unified media services that are developed at the local level, accessible to teachers and students, and effectively managed by media professionals. The services and materials provided shall be adequate in quantity, quality, and type to assure the breadth and depth of learning necessary for the development of academic skills, vocational competencies, and personal growth. The requirements for instruction in all courses shall be considered in maintaining the collection.
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Mrs. Holtapp began her education career in 2000 as a 4th-grade social studies teacher. She then moved to teach the technology class at Sandersville Elementary, moving to Ridge Road when the new school opened. She became the media specialist at Ridge Road Primary and Elementary Schools in 2016. She moved to Washington County High School in 2021. She is working on her doctorate in instructional technology at Kennesaw State.